La temporada de fútbol americano se acaba:
A estas alturas el futbol
americano ya ha acabado, pero lo mejor se vio al final de la temporada. El
cuarto partido de district lo jugamos en casa contra Terrel, y fue el mejor
partido de la temporada de lejos, aquello era fútbol americano, la intensidad
con la que jugamos y la tensión que había en las gradas eran propias de un
partido de la NFL, de un Clásico… Empezaron adelantándose con dos touchdowns
que supimos remontar y al final de la primera mitad el marcador iba 13-14 a su
favor. Lo teníamos ahí, nada estaba decidido y quedaba mucho partido por
delante. Durante el descanso saltaban chispas en el vestuario, las charlas de
los entrenadores, las caras, los gestos… Se podían oír hasta nuestras
Football season is over:
Right now football season is over, but the best games were at the end of the season. We played the fourth district game at home against Terrel, and it was the best game of this year without doubt, that was american football, the intensity we played with and the tension there was in the stands made it look like a NFL game, like El Clásico... They started scoring two touchdowns, but later we came back and by the end of the first half the score was 13-14. We were close, nothing was sure yet and there was a lot of time left. During the break the locker room was so lit, what the coaches said, the faces, the gestures... You could even hear our heartbeats.
La segunda mitad fue incluso
más emocionante. Se adelantaban en el marcador, los pasábamos… Era un tira y
afloja en toda regla. A menos de cuatro minutos del final el marcador estaba
19-24 para Terrel, en las gradas todo el mundo estaba en pie, era un
espectáculo aquello… Y a un minuto y poco del final sucedió, Athens se hizo con
el touchdown que nos ponía dos puntos por delante. Era un sufrimiento, todos
mirábamos al reloj y cada segundo parecía una hora… Hasta que llegaron los diez
últimos segundos de partido, Terrel había conseguido acercarse y estaba como a
treinta yardas de hacer el touchdown. Todos nos olíamos lo que iban a hacer,
estaba demasiado claro, y lo hicieron. Iban a chutar un field goal que valdría
tres puntos y se llevarían el partido. Se dispusieron a chutar pero el árbitro
pitó para parar el partido. La gente en las gradas y en los banquillos estaba
poniendo mucha presión en el kicker, hasta que no se relajaran no chutarían.
Esto se repitió dos veces más, y a la siguiente pasó: el que tenía que bloquear
la pelota estuvo a un palmo de tocarla y pararlo. 26-27. Fue un verdadero
partido de fútbol americano, y creo que del que más orgulloso estoy. Éramos 23 personas
jugando, cuando deberíamos ser como 30. De los mejores discursos que he oído en
mi vida, el de Coach Brown tras el partido. No pudo tener más razón. ``Se
necesitan 23 personas para hacer esto, ni más, ni menos´´. Esa noche nos
despedimos del campo al grito de ``¡Familia!´´ a la de tres.
El siguiente partido lo
jugamos en Crandall, y la verdad es que no nos fue tan bien, para nada
estábamos a nuestro mejor nivel. Eso nos posicionaba con una victoria y cuatro
derrotas, por encima de Mabank en la clasificación y empatados con Crandall y
Brownsboro, contra quien jugaríamos nuestro último partido el viernes 4 de
noviembre, con qué ganas esperamos ese partido.
Next Friday we went to Crandall, and we did´t do as good as the week before. By the end of that game we had one victory and four losses. In the standings we were over Mabank and tied with Crandall and Brownsboro, who we were going to play our last game on Friday November the fourth. We were dying to play that game.
Next Friday we went to Crandall, and we did´t do as good as the week before. By the end of that game we had one victory and four losses. In the standings we were over Mabank and tied with Crandall and Brownsboro, who we were going to play our last game on Friday November the fourth. We were dying to play that game.
También era Senior Night Game,
homenajeando a los estudiantes de grado doce para los que sería su último partido
como jugador, trainer, animadora, Stingrette o componente de la banda de los Athens Hornets en
Bruce Field, y a pesar de que yo soy del grado once me sentía igual que ellos,
no quería que la temporada acabase ahí, quería que esa experiencia durase lo máximo posible.
That day was also Senior Night, and we honored the twelve grader students because that would be their last high school football game as an Athens Hornet football player, trainer, band musician, cheerleader or Stingrette in Bruce Field. Even though I´m in grade eleven I kind of felt like them, that would be my last game and I wanted that experience to last as long as possible.
That day was also Senior Night, and we honored the twelve grader students because that would be their last high school football game as an Athens Hornet football player, trainer, band musician, cheerleader or Stingrette in Bruce Field. Even though I´m in grade eleven I kind of felt like them, that would be my last game and I wanted that experience to last as long as possible.
Fue un día muy especial, nos
permitieron llevar ropa de camuflaje porque el tópico era ``Cage the
bears´´(Enjaular a los osos), que era la mascota de Brownsboro, y luego en el
Pep rally hicimos una pequeña actuación para los seniors en la que repasamos
todas las etapas por las que han pasado hasta graduarse. Iba a ser una gran
It was a very special day. The topic was ``Cage the bears´´(Brownsboro´s mascot), and we were allowed to wear camo, and later in the Pep rally we did a short performance for the seniors in which we went through their path since kindergarten until graduation. It would be a GREAT night.
It was a very special day. The topic was ``Cage the bears´´(Brownsboro´s mascot), and we were allowed to wear camo, and later in the Pep rally we did a short performance for the seniors in which we went through their path since kindergarten until graduation. It would be a GREAT night.
Este era un partido especial,
ya no sólo para nosotros, si no para el pueblo de Athens. La gente mayor, los
que jugaron fútbol americano en el instituto, le tienen esa rivalidad a
Brownsboro propia de dos ciudades pegadas la una a la otra, más de uno tenía
familia allí y no podía permitirse perder y que tres semanas más tarde se lo
restrieguen en Acción de Gracias, si querían ganarnos tendrían que sudar
This was a special game, not only for us, but for people in Athens. There´s rivalry between both towns, and those who played high school football years ago had that strong feeling against Brownsboro, many people has family over there and they could´t loose or they´d make fun of them three weeks later in Thanksgiving, they would have to give their all if they wanted to beat us.
This was a special game, not only for us, but for people in Athens. There´s rivalry between both towns, and those who played high school football years ago had that strong feeling against Brownsboro, many people has family over there and they could´t loose or they´d make fun of them three weeks later in Thanksgiving, they would have to give their all if they wanted to beat us.
Finalmente el momento llegó.
Salir al campo y ver la grada visitante y la grada local repleta de gente:
estudiantes, amigos, familiares, pueblos vecinos, que por una noche estaban
enfrentados. Era súper emocionante y el ambiente que había…
Finally, the moment arrived. Going out to the field and see the visitor stands full of people: students, relatives, friends, that during all night would be opposing each other. It was very exciting and the atmosphere was... Indescribable.
Finally, the moment arrived. Going out to the field and see the visitor stands full of people: students, relatives, friends, that during all night would be opposing each other. It was very exciting and the atmosphere was... Indescribable.
Y por fin empezó el
espectáculo. Ambos equipos jugando duro, dándolo todo. Se adelantaron en el
marcador con dos touchdowns y fallaron uno de los field goals que chutaron,
pero pudimos remontar y acabar la primera mitad 14-13. Saltaban chispas en el
vestuario, y las gradas estaban al rojo vivo, te guste o no el fútbol americano
era un momento en el que a cualquiera le gustaría haber estado.
And finally the show began. Both teams played hard, leaving everything they had on the field. They scored first, and missed one of the PATs, so later we came back and finished the first half 14-13. The locker room and the stands were lit. It does´t matter if you like or not football, it was a experience anyone would love to be part of.
And finally the show began. Both teams played hard, leaving everything they had on the field. They scored first, and missed one of the PATs, so later we came back and finished the first half 14-13. The locker room and the stands were lit. It does´t matter if you like or not football, it was a experience anyone would love to be part of.
Al reanudarse el partido hubo
incluso más intensidad. Estuvo reñido hasta que nos empezamos a adelantar en el
marcador, hasta quedar 35-21. Fue un gran último partido, echaré de menos esos
momentos de tensión, de disfrute, de emoción, madrugar, trabajar duro, los entrenamientos,
las risas del vestuario. La verdad es que me lo he pasado genial, estoy
contento de haber tomado la decisión de formar parte del programa de futbol
When the second half started we played even more intense. The game was tied until we got advantage in the scoreboard. The final score was 35-21. It was a great game, I´ll miss those moments of excitement, emotion, getting up early, working hard, practices, having good times in the locker room. I´m glad I took the choice of being part of the Athens Hornets Football program.
When the second half started we played even more intense. The game was tied until we got advantage in the scoreboard. The final score was 35-21. It was a great game, I´ll miss those moments of excitement, emotion, getting up early, working hard, practices, having good times in the locker room. I´m glad I took the choice of being part of the Athens Hornets Football program.
``El que es Hornet por un año
es Hornet para toda la vida´´,
Coach Essary.
``The one who is Hornet for a year is Hornet for the rest of his life´´,
Coach Essary.
Coach Essary.
``The one who is Hornet for a year is Hornet for the rest of his life´´,
Coach Essary.
Rylan |
Toni & Kiko |
Reagan |
Sam, Leslie, Chely & Gianella |
Maci |
Lily |